Saturday, December 5, 2009

Review for Gangster In Love

Title: Gangster In Love
Author: EuKi
Fanfic URL:
Reviewer: taexiah_gesuk
Review Rubric

Title: 9/10
The title goes along with the story line finely, although the title doesn't
have much of a catch to it. If i see it on wingling its a 50% chance that i'll click
it and 50% that i won't. But don't take that badly i'd consider it a good thing.

Foreword: 10/10
I personally, really enjoyed reading your foreword. although you gave a bit too much info about the story line.
but it really did make me wonder how the story will end. great job on asking the readers the questions. that will give them
an arge to read this fanfic.

Appearance: 10/10
the Apperance is nice. it's color is very cold and dark for Jaebum is very cold and dark.
great job to whomever made it.

Plot: 15/15
The plot of the story and the drama/action is very nice. detailed and nicely done.
but than again, a fanfic with a rude/mean/killer gangster falling in love is well-known.

Flow: 7/10
The flow of the story is quite fast. i got confused while reading chapter one.
a bit slower would'nt hurt.

Originality: 9/10
the story itself so far, is entertaining. but the pace is still a bit fast.

Spelling/Grammar/Punctuation/Vocabulary: 7/10
spelling is good but most of the time you forgot to use past tense or future tense. [ex: eat=ate give=gave]
[You mess up with him, you're a raw meat.]
Although your writing skills isn't that bad, you still may have to work on where to put your words, i'd write
"You mess with him, you're raw meat."
spelling is nicely checked, but your wording doesn't fit in their sentence.

Characterization: 10/10
You've explain extreamly well about each character and what they do.

Writing Style: 8/10
i gave you an 8 because your writing style is readable and understanable too ALTHOUGH there were a few spelling mistakes here and there but it was okay.

Overall Enjoyment: 5/5
Although you made a few mistakes, i really enjoyed reading this story.
i and the daRKsiDE family encourages you to keep writing fanfic, your a great writer, learning a bit
more here and there is good.

Bonus: 5/5

Total: 88/100
88 is a so, so score. If it was my score i'd be glad about it.
I think that you have a very good sense of detail and character, keep up your good work.
daRKsiDE and I encourages you to keep writing^-^

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